Thursday, January 31, 2013

Winter Colds

Well, at some point during the winter, everyone gets sick. We woke up today at 3 am to a little boy hurling his guts out in the toilet, and on the floor. So after I nursed him back to health, got him situated in his room with his blankets, water, stuffed animals, and a movie, I felt that it was a good opportunity to clean the entire house. I went downstairs, got ready to clean only to find out that I am out of my all purpose cleaner that I make. So I am taking this opportunity to post my first serious blog post. So here is how I make my all purpose cleaner.

What you need:
One large spray bottle
3 Tablespoon of dish soap
3 Tablespoon of rubbing alcohol
20-30 drops of essential oil (I use tea tree or lemon eucalyptus)

First I fill my bottle about 3/4 of the way full.
Then I add the three tablespoons of dish soap. I find that dawn is really concentrated and makes lots of bubbles so if I use dawn, I use 2 1/2 tablespoons.
Next, I add 3 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol.
 After the soap and the alcohol have been added to my water, then I add the essential oil. Honestly, you could use whatever scent you want. Typically, I use tea tree oil because it also has a antibacterial property to it. Sometimes I use the lemon eucalyptus because I just love the smell, but you could use whatever you want, Pine also smells really nice.
So there, that should be just about it! Sometimes I split the water and replace that half with vinegar, which is what I will be doing since Caleb got sick, but normally I omit the vinegar because I just hate the smell of vinegar all over my house!

I hope that you all enjoy this cleaning concoction and it works for you like its worked for me! Now off I go to scrub down the whole entire house... wish me luck and pray for my sanity!

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